Hi Gerd,
Thank you for your response.
I would gladly answer your questions 🙂
1. I am the developer of http://www.getlicense.co.za. You can find me on facebook as well. My details and address are on http://www.getlicense.co.za.
Regarding the income question. I initially developed this website for my own use. Friends heard about it and they basically forced me to go public in order for them to be able to use the platform as well. So from there, I decided to put in more effort and then go public, which I did. Just like Whatsapp or Email that is free, this platform is free.
I never had intentions to monetize this. However, it has grown quite fast and large.
Many SME companies and individuals are using this service. Maybe in future, I may run ads on the website or maybe Elon Musk or some rich guy will buy the platform from me 🙂 But as I stated on the website, it is a free service (just like Whatsapp, Email, etc) and I will keep it like that. The user will never have to take out a credit card or provide any banking details. Yes, how I will make money I do not know even myself at the moment. Just enjoying helping people as this entire Vehicle License Renewal process was a huge pain to me.
2. So on the security side of things. The http://www.getlicense.co.za platform is as secure as Facebook or even this forum you using. Banks, Facebook, State Departments, etc get hacked daily. Not one website on the internet can guarantee they are hacker proof. If they do then I suggest running! But what I can tell you is I do take security very seriously. I have SSL encryption, Google Captcha, Hashing, etc implemented.
Furthermore – whether you use my platform or not. In the end, you still hand your completed form (with exactly all the info you would have captured on the platform) to a total stranger at the counter and pay for your renewal. That person you do not know at all. You do not have his/her address, contact details, name. He/she may not be around next time you renew. Nothing prevents him/her to snapshot your details with her cellphone and forward the info to her buddy in Nigeria via Whatsapp (free).
So here I am, building a platform to ease the pain and frustration. All my details are on my website readily available. I have a domain, email, address & Facebook profile/page all linked to my person. I am a responsible developer and I can not and will not hide.
So to conclude. Your security is far better handed with me versus with the lady at the counter to whom you will be handing your completed form(s) anyway. Unfortunately, you can not avoid the latter. Income may come in whatsoever form in the future. As long as I am in charge I will keep this service free to the user. You will never be spammed, asked for a credit card or banking details. Yes, maybe I will run Google Ads on the website. Who knows. For now, I am totally happy helping people with something that used to be a huge pain to me. PS: I do have other means of income and this platform really just started off as a hobby project.
Gerd I hope I answered all your questions. Please let me know should need any more information.
Best Regards,
100% Free Online Vehicle License Renewal Assistant.