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2006 ford f250 advice Please???!!!

  • Deon Swanepoel
    Deon Swanepoel
    Deon Swanepoel on

    Hi All. I am Deon

    I havnt bought a pre owned vehicle in a while and i have my eyes on a 2006 Ford f250 d/c.(dream vehicle not everyday use).

    I got C14 and pdp. I would like to know if someone can assist me with making a choice to buy or not.


    Parts and service available?

    What to look and listen for?

    Worth buying?


    Thank in advance. on

    I bought one of the 1st F250 DC that were released back in May 2005. I had various mods carried out and attached a Recco pop up camper on the load bin! What a lovely comfortable spacious and reliable Vehicle it turned out to be! We used to it to visit Botswana, Lesotho, and Zimbabwe over 4 years, and never had a days trouble with it! I was unfortunately forced to sell id in 2009 because of the downturn! Parts are available, Service? You can service it yourself – its very basic – or take it to a decent Indep Mechanic. The only catch is the asking price these days, almost the same as I bought mine for Brand New back then. I would definitely buy one again if I was 10 years younger I would buy another one if the condition is good, but at my age its a pain going for the Bi-annual Pdp Drs examination etc – it takes too much of my time!

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