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  • Marius Venter
    Marius Venter
    Marius Venter on

    Good Day,

    MONKEY EXPLORE is a Non-Profit Company with registration number: K2020157457. The NPC was registered in March 2020 in Pretoria, South Africa.

    Our NPC help the unprivileged people in South Africa as well as the animals that are in desperate need of assistance. Our main aim is that everyone that need assistance get it and to make a difference in their lives.

    We are currently asking for donations to support a Wildlife Sanctuary in South Africa who really needs help. One of the lions has also lost his eye and the vet bills are +- R7,000.00 just to get this covered. Also, are they in desperate need to get the Sanctuary up to standard for international and local visitors.

    There are a few chalets on the property that needs to be fixed up. All in all, we are in need of +- R100,000.00 to help this Sanctuary out.

    As animal lovers we would really like to make a huge difference towards this charity. They also believe in a no kill policy. They have the following: Lion, Cheetahs, Hyena and so forth. All animals that need a home the Sanctuary help out.

    For more detail are you welcome to contact me on +27747696427 or email:

    Any donation would be welcome.

    Thank You for taking the time to read my post.

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