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Snow Driving

  • Andrew Middleton
    Andrew on

    We recently went to Matroosberg and encountered over a meter of snow in some places. What have your experiences been with snow regarding tyre pressures, best tyres and driving techniques?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Andrew MiddletonAndrew.
    Morpheus Prime
    Morpheus Prime
    Morpheus Prime on

    You can order some Snow Tyre straps from online which should help.

    They dont cost very much and i think are an absolute necessity!

    you’ll kick yourself if you didn’t have them. found this out the hard way myself on a Lesotho trip.


    just remember to always carry extra and dont drive to fast. also. if your vehicle is only 2 WD – then you wont need to put on the back tyres obviously.

    i also saw some skrew in snow spikes. BUT i wouldn’t recommend them. obviously.

    As for you tyre pressure. just be careful you dont over inflate them. my suggestion is 1.2 KPA

    similar to sand. but a hardend tyre will sink further in snow 😉



    Len on

    Tyres are important pressure is totally opposite to off road and mud driving the use of chain links around the tyres are important also depth of ice or snow

    Chains the best option around the tyres

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