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Vehicle Camp Kitchen

  • Heyn De Jongh
    Heyn De Jongh
    Heyn De Jongh on

    Good Day,

    I am new here. I am now in the market for a camp kitchen for my canopy. I bought the canopy second hand and unfortunately it was a brand name but after the respray I cannot remember which brand. Is most canopies the same inside with this specifications or how can I find someone that can build it to the canopy specification.


    Thank You

    Izak Joubert
    Izak Joubert
    Izak Joubert on

    Good day Heyn,

    Have you looked at the rhino setup, as it is well known setup and it is a very good fitment.

    What kind of canopy do you have, Fibre glass or a metal type?

    I had mine custom made via a person and no I don’t have the items fixed as in the Rhino setup,

    I use crates and pack it in the back as I have a caravan.

    Google for info and you may be luck to find something you may be happy with.

    Best Regards

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