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Prado just cuts out

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous on

    I bought my 1997 Prado 90 3.4-litre second-hand a few months ago. Very happy with the car as a whole except for the fact that when we drive the car for 20+ km and come to standstill the engine cuts out.

    The dials on the dash are all normal. No overheating or any warning lights goes on. The car starts easily again and goes without any hassle until it stops again after another few km.

    The following has been done to find the problem:
    [li]Diagnostics was done[/li]
    [li]Fuel filter was replaced[/li]
    [li]Pressure test on fuel pump/line and fuel tank was done[/li]
    [li]Immobiliser test was done to test cutouts[/li]
    [li]No electrical wiring facially damaged[/li]
    [li]All fuses checked[/li]
    [li]Throttle body cleaned[/li]
    [li]Water and oil levels was checked[/li]

    Can it be the radiator sensor that is causing the problem???

    The performance on the car is superb.

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