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Travel Fear Factor?

  • TaylerJ
    TaylerJ on

    I have always wondered why South African 4x4ers always seem to travel like winged white ants after they have lost their wings − smelling each others’ …er, exhausts! Is it the fear factor, or loneliness? The thing is that they never actually get to see the great outdoors ALONE. Horrors.

    Having two vehicles for company is okay, but great convoys of them just make dust. Maybe we Zimbos are just different.

    I have just done 9700 km in 30 days with my old Prado… alone. I passed through Botswana and Namibia, visited the Kgalagadi, Richtersveld, the Cape flowers, KwaZulu-Natal, Joburg, Nelspruit and Kruger Park, and then came home via Crooks Corner and Gonarezhou. It was a great holiday.

    George Brittnell
    georgeb on

    We are three couples in our touring group and we have traveled far and wide in Southern Africa together. You enjoy being alone and we enjoy the company.

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