Qusetion by: Andries Du Preez Answer by: Arnold VenterI need more power from my Defender 110 2.5-litre diesel (naturally-aspirated), especially on the open road with its long uphills. Apart from fitting another engine – or turbo-charger – I thought I could install a free-flow exhaust, fit freewheel hubs or possibly install a Land Rover Series 3 transfer box up front and drive with the centre diff locked, thereby making the vehicle a selectable 4×4. Would the abovementioned mods significantly reduce drag while increasing my Landy’s power?
Andries Du Preez
Personally, I’d keep this engine stock standard and as reliable as possible – these old 2.5s don’t like to be tampered with. They’re part of the hand-grenade squad – fiddle with them and they go boom.
Tweaking this engine will not result in any substantial / noticeable power gains and will only be a waste of your money. If you opt for more serious modifications you’re going to compromise your Defender’s reliability. Best leave this one standard.
Arnold Venter CRD
(4×4 fitment & repairs)
(011) 907 0580 / arnold@crd.co.za