Words and images by Peter Baker
Travel magazines offer a massive range of possible trip destinations: some quite local, but others, such as Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and southern Mozambique, which are considered regional; and yet more, further afield: Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya and Ethiopia.
These countries are chock-a-block full of waypoints and end points, and are really good value, even after the miles and time have been built into the equation. However, on a recent trip that my wife and I did to Northern Kenya and back by two different routes, we noted a massive lack of South African travellers over just about the entire 15 000km trip.
In the past, we would be waving often to fellow 4×4 drivers fully kitted with all the katunda we South Africans require on safari; but, on this trip, we went literally weeks without seeing a local plate − the odd European vehicle going or coming, but not one group or convoy of good ol’ Suid Afrikaners.